Wednesday, October 6, 2010

'Twas the Night Before Surgery

The eve of surgery has finally arrived!  I'm excited and anxious to get it over.  I had a little scare on Tuesday morning...I woke up to my voice being completely shot.  I could barely get out any coherent words.  I didn't have any congestion so I wasn't sure what was going on.  All I could think about is what if the doctor won't let me move forward with the surgery.  I called the doctor's office and they assured me I would be ok to move forward on Thursday.  Unless I was running a fever or got progressively worse, the show would still go on.  So I took it easy most of the day from work to prevent further aggravation.  I even made a quick trip to urgent care for a second opinion and they too reassured me I would still be ok for the big day.  My instructions were to simply get rest and drink a lot of fluids. 

Today I woke up to a slightly improved voice....though I sounded much like a 13 year boy going through puberty.  I was able to tie up things at work and get some things taken care of around the house.  I'm eating and drinking as much as I can now because in just about 2 hours I can't have anything else to eat or drink prior to the surgery tomorrow afternoon.  Brad took me to dinner tonight to my favorite restaurant in Long Beach.  Open Sesame serves the most delicious Lebanese food and I completely stuffed myself in anticipation of my upcoming fast.  I'm not sure how the whole not drinking thing is going to work with my throat being somewhat agitated.  Brad will be assigned to keeping me distracted. 

I go to the hospital at 10 am to receive a nuclear med allows the surgeon to locate my lymph nodes for the procedure.  Surgery is scheduled to start at 1:15 and I will have general anesthesia.  The procedure should take approximately 1.5 hours and then I will hang out in the recovery room for another 1.5 to 2 hours and then home.  The doctor will be able to share some preliminary information on the surgery that day.  But we won't get the full pathology results until next Wednesday.

So wish me luck!  I hope to be reporting back on how things went sometime over the weekend.

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